Saturday, 30 January 2016

4 Modern Web Designing Trends that Every Pasadena Web Design Company is talking about

Web designers are willing to push the boundaries, experiment with technology, user interface and design, coming up with creative ways to satiate the imaginative mind. It is hard to ignore the emergence of new styles and trends in web designing, because some have immense potential to impact the experience of the visitor. Let us discuss some of the elements, which have silently but effectively changed the aesthetics.

Less is more
It is really hard to execute a simple design, because it is difficult to express more with few ingredients. The emphasis is not on what elements you are going to use, but how you use them. Like a Pasadena web design company will tell you that the key characteristics of minimalistic design are the typography, the use of the white space, less links, buttons and navigation options. But you do not emphasize on each element specifically; rather you create a simple unified feel across pages. The aim of a minimalistic design is to prioritize the copy and make portions of it more prominent than others. Creating a path for the eye to follow. Images are added to make the stories intriguing; and also makes the copy more descriptive, compelling and impressive. 

The use of foreground and background videos
Adding a video in the background is a great way to draw attention, it helps tell a story more effectively. For a foreground video you will need less content to explain the intricacies of your business. Videos are a great way to capture the attention of your customers. They will not have to read any of the text to understand your business. It is a simple process to tell your visitors what your business is all about; because videos are effortless compared to chunks of text. The message that comes through images and videos register more in our brains, because words need comprehension and often visitors do not have the time to go through each and every word. Ask any SEO company, Los Angeles, and they will tell you that the best way to connect with your audience would be adding videos about your products or services.

Effortless navigation processes
Most modern web designs are sleek and opt for a simple navigation system. This actually helps the visitors to grasp the essence of the site, making it easier for them to navigate through the entire site. Lately, a lot of emphasis has been given on hamburger menus. With traditional menus, which are longer there is one small disadvantage; they occupy a portion of the white space. A hamburger menu is mostly hidden, which empties a space and gives a clutter-free view to the users. The visitors will have fewer distractions which helps him to concentrate on the things you wants to see or read.

Concentrating on personal branding trends
Everyone likes a personalized touch in their website, especially when you think of brand management; you need to think how you want your audience to perceive your brand. And your website should reflect your thoughts and the personality of your business. Create your space in such a manner so that it creates the right impression. Your brand should be such, so that people talk good about you when you are not present.

Take note of the trends that are creating a wave! And who knows, you may find something which will make your brand stand out amongst the lot!

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